DC Area Chin Food Aids Concert

Beautiful Chinland

Washington DC Tho Puai tuahnak (2009

Camera by Dr. Van Thawng Ling

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Tawlreltu - on Sunday, October 15, 2006
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Chin State is a state of Myanmar. Its capital is Hakha.

There are 14 townships in the Chin State: *Cikha, Hakha, Falam, Kanpalet, Matupi, *Rezua, Mindat, Paletwa, *Rihkhuadar, Thantlang, Teddim, *Tuithang and *Tonzang. (* this mark indicates new townships that became township in the early years of 21st century). Rezua used to be a village in Matupi tsp. and Rihkhuadar used to be in Falam tsp. and Tuithang used to be in Teddim tsp.) It seems we need to put five more white stars!!

Demographics of the Chin

The Chin are made up of many sub-groups which although historically related now speak divergent languages and have different cultural and historical identities. The name Chin seems to be an exonym given by the Burmese and is of unclear origin - although 'basket' and 'friend' are the best contenders. These names are justified respectively by the fact that 1. Chin are known for their weaving skills and 2. they have been in trade relations with the lowlands for many years.Chinese people call themselves as Chungqua, we call them Chinese. Likewise, Chin people do not actually call themselves Chin in their language. Lai, Zo, Cho such are native terminology used to indicate themselves. However, the name Chin is collectively accepted by all the Chin tribes. Each tribe has its own name, e.g. Asho, Laizo, Zyou, Mizo, Zomi, K'cho etc. These terms could well be cognates, but each has its own pronunciation and sometimes its own meaning. Because of this it seems difficult to chose the particular pronunciation of one language to represent all of them.

The Chin form the majority of Chin State. Owing to missionaries' work over the last hundred years, a great deal of the population now identifies itself as Christian. A sizeable minority however adheres to animist beliefs and Theravada Buddhism.

For more cultural information about the Chin see: F.K. Lehman. 1963. 'The Structure of Chin Society;: A Tribal People of Burma Adapted to a Non-Western Civilization.' University of Illinois Press. Note: F.K. Lehman stayed amount Chin people and he practically learned about Chin people.

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Hakha the capital of Chin

Hakha is the capital of Chin State in Burma.

The vernacular name of the city was Halkha. Located at Latitude 22.6500 and Longitude 93.6167, the city is 6120 ft above sea level and it lies at the foot of Rung Tlang (Mt. Rung), which is about 7543 ft high, and is one of the most famous and beautiful mountain peaks in the Chin State. January is the coldest month of the year with a mean temperature of around 27 degrees Celsius. April is the hottest month at a mean of 36 degrees.

The total rainfall is about 86.22 inches every year. The total area of Hakha is about 12.50 sq miles. It is one of the most beautiful cities in Burma but most foreigners cannot visit and do not know about the city because it is in a restricted area under the military government. It is virtually unknown to most of the countries in the world. No foreigners are allowed to visit to the Chin State in any case, without special permission, which is rarely given any time. Hakha is in the center of Chin State and it is connected with Thantlang, Falam, Gangaw and Matupi by truck roads.

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Tawlreltu - on

It is crucial to know that the Chin people are not just an ethnic group of Myanmar. The term 'Chin' rather stands for a nation. Even though the word nation and ethnic are similar or are synonyms, it is more accurate to use as "The Chin Nation." It covers many differents tribes and ethnic people groups those who settle in Chinland. For instance, such Zomi, Lais, Zo, Mizo and Cho are different ethnic people groups those who settle in Chinland or are known to be the Chins as a whole.
The world may not know yet about the Chin as name of a nation in Asia. But there will be a time when it will be known because it is reality. The Chins are not Burma in reality. The Burma are not Chins either.

It is a vast scope of study to discuss about the history of the Chins. The term nation aslo is sometime controvercial in political aspect.( see the following quotation from wikepidia) Therefore, it will appear in a different topic of posting in the future.
see the definition about nation according to wekipedia

Two people may be separated by difference in personalities, belief systems, geographical locations, time and even spoken language, yet regard themselves and be seen by others, as members of the same nation. Nationals are considered to share certain traits and norms of behavior, certain duties toward other members, and certain responsibilities for the actions of the members of the same nation.

Nations extend across generations, and include the dead as full members. More vaguely, they are assumed to include future generations. No-one fixes a timespan, but a nation is typically several centuries old. Past events are evaluated in this context, for instance by referring to "our soldiers" in conflicts which took place hundreds of years ago.

The term nation is often used as a synonym for ethnic group (sometimes "ethnos"), but although ethnicity is now one of the most important aspects of cultural or social identity for the members of most nations, people with the same ethnic origin may live in different nation-states and be treated as members of separate nations for that reason. National identity is often disputed, down to the level of the individual.

Almost all nations are associated with a specific territory, the national homeland. Some live in a historical diaspora, that is, mainly outside the national homeland. A state which explicitly identifies as the homeland of a particular nation is a nation-state, and most modern states fall into this category, although there may be violent disputes about their legitimacy. Where territory is disputed between nations, the claims may be based on which nation lived there first. Especially in areas of historical European settlement (1500-1950), the term "First Nations" is used by groups which share an aboriginal culture, and seek official recognition or autonomy.

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Tawlreltu - on Sunday, October 08, 2006

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