Why and How Chin refugees fled to Malaysia from Myanmar
Victor S Khambil
Chin State is located in Southeast Asia and lies between the longitude 92.15E, and in between the latitude 18N and 27.30N. Bangladesh is to its southwest, Manipur State in India is to its northwest, China to its north, Sagaing Division of Myanmar to its east and Arakan State is to its south. The size of Chin State is slightly smaller than Switzerland. Chin State is rich in natural flora and fauna. Chin state has a mild hot wet climate. Almost 90% of Chin people are Christians. The population is estimated at half a million. Chin people are aboriginal inhabitants of Chinland for hundreds of years. Chin people are distinctive nationality with their own culture, religious, politics and literacy. After the British occupation of Burma under its empire in 1885, Chinland was also annexed under British Empire in 1895. As the leaders of Chin people agreed to take independence together with Burmese leaders, Chin people joined Burmese leaders in January 1948 and accepted independence from the British Empire. Unfortunately the Union of Burma has been misruled by successive Burmese Buddhist rulers and Chin State was most suppressed under Burmese dictatorial rule since Independent until today. That’s why we the Chin people know that we do not get Independent until today since the Chin people are discriminated and systematically enslave under Burmese rulers, worse than the British occupiers....Read More
Victor S Khambil
Chin State is located in Southeast Asia and lies between the longitude 92.15E, and in between the latitude 18N and 27.30N. Bangladesh is to its southwest, Manipur State in India is to its northwest, China to its north, Sagaing Division of Myanmar to its east and Arakan State is to its south. The size of Chin State is slightly smaller than Switzerland. Chin State is rich in natural flora and fauna. Chin state has a mild hot wet climate. Almost 90% of Chin people are Christians. The population is estimated at half a million. Chin people are aboriginal inhabitants of Chinland for hundreds of years. Chin people are distinctive nationality with their own culture, religious, politics and literacy. After the British occupation of Burma under its empire in 1885, Chinland was also annexed under British Empire in 1895. As the leaders of Chin people agreed to take independence together with Burmese leaders, Chin people joined Burmese leaders in January 1948 and accepted independence from the British Empire. Unfortunately the Union of Burma has been misruled by successive Burmese Buddhist rulers and Chin State was most suppressed under Burmese dictatorial rule since Independent until today. That’s why we the Chin people know that we do not get Independent until today since the Chin people are discriminated and systematically enslave under Burmese rulers, worse than the British occupiers....Read More