Chin State is a state of Myanmar. Its capital is Hakha.

There are 14 townships in the Chin State: *Cikha, Hakha, Falam, Kanpalet, Matupi, *Rezua, Mindat, Paletwa, *Rihkhuadar, Thantlang, Teddim, *Tuithang and *Tonzang. (* this mark indicates new townships that became township in the early years of 21st century). Rezua used to be a village in Matupi tsp. and Rihkhuadar used to be in Falam tsp. and Tuithang used to be in Teddim tsp.) It seems we need to put five more white stars!!

Demographics of the Chin

The Chin are made up of many sub-groups which although historically related now speak divergent languages and have different cultural and historical identities. The name Chin seems to be an exonym given by the Burmese and is of unclear origin - although 'basket' and 'friend' are the best contenders. These names are justified respectively by the fact that 1. Chin are known for their weaving skills and 2. they have been in trade relations with the lowlands for many years.Chinese people call themselves as Chungqua, we call them Chinese. Likewise, Chin people do not actually call themselves Chin in their language. Lai, Zo, Cho such are native terminology used to indicate themselves. However, the name Chin is collectively accepted by all the Chin tribes. Each tribe has its own name, e.g. Asho, Laizo, Zyou, Mizo, Zomi, K'cho etc. These terms could well be cognates, but each has its own pronunciation and sometimes its own meaning. Because of this it seems difficult to chose the particular pronunciation of one language to represent all of them.

The Chin form the majority of Chin State. Owing to missionaries' work over the last hundred years, a great deal of the population now identifies itself as Christian. A sizeable minority however adheres to animist beliefs and Theravada Buddhism.

For more cultural information about the Chin see: F.K. Lehman. 1963. 'The Structure of Chin Society;: A Tribal People of Burma Adapted to a Non-Western Civilization.' University of Illinois Press. Note: F.K. Lehman stayed amount Chin people and he practically learned about Chin people.

Tawlreltu - on Sunday, October 15, 2006


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